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Peter K F Cheung SBS
10 hours ago3 min read
Whispers of the Past
Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 07:15 Rising with the sun, PETER opens the Duolingo app on his hand-held devices. PETER (V.O): I've to...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
1 day ago3 min read
The Ties That Bind
FADE IN Act 1 MONTAGE OF PETER'S MORNING AND AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES A. Urban home. PETER completes his daily streaks in Duolingo. ...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
2 days ago3 min read
Beyond the Years
FADE IN Act 1 INT. STUDY - 09:00 Sitting in a sofa, PETER scrolls through social media. He stops at an article:15 signs of aging....
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
3 days ago2 min read
Kaji: Fear Unleashed
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - MORNING The sun streams through the window. KAJI sees the MAID going out. KAJI (V.O): It's her...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
4 days ago3 min read
Unsung Chorus
FADE IN Act 1 INT. STUDIO - 20:00 Clustered with guitars. On TV, the CE is speaking. PETER notices an electric guitar by his side....
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
5 days ago3 min read
Strategic Horizons
FADE IN Act 1 INT. STUDY - 08:30 Morning light filters through the window. PETER is studying some texts on his iPad Mini screen....
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
6 days ago3 min read
The Pulse of Life
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 01:45 Having swiched off the lights, PETER lies in bed. PETER (V.O): My wife and I have flown back...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Dec 43 min read
A Day of Hope
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 22:15 (Yesterday) Working on a laptop, PETER sees an incoming mesasge in the family's chat group. ...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Dec 43 min read
Lost in the Light
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 09:00 Morning light filters through the curtains. Waking up, PETER checks the time. PETER (V.O):...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Dec 33 min read
Snapshots and Second Chances
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 09:00 Soft light of morning filters through the curtains. PETER stirs awake, blinking at the clock on...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Dec 23 min read
Kaji: Through Thick and Thin
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - MORNING An empty dog compound. In a massage chair, KAJI lies on the lap of the PACK LEADER. KAJI...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Dec 13 min read
Beyond Borders
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - 13:00 (Yesterday) Having checked his cards inside a wallet, PETER talks to his WIFE. PETER:...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 293 min read
The Language of Life
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - 00:00 In tense posture, PETER and his WIFE focus on their mobiles, glancing at each other...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 283 min read
Crystal Clear Connections
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 10:00 Cosy. Waking up, Peter stretches, yawns and looks at the clock. PETER (V.O): 10 am already?...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 273 min read
A Day of Joy
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - 09:45 Sunlight streaming through the window. Peter sits on a sofa with a mobile in hand. ...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 263 min read
Third Party, First Class
FADE IN Act 1 INT. STUDY - 21:30 Having read a string of remarks in a WhatsApp chatgroup, PETER's gaze drifts to the window....
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 243 min read
Kaji: Cone of Courage
FADE IN Act 1 INT. LIVING ROOM - MORNING Cramped with a dog sofa, a dog house and a dog compound. KAJI is curled up on the chest of...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 243 min read
Honours and Aspirations
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 07:15 PETER wakes up, the soft light of dawn filtering through the window. PETER (V.O): It's early...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 233 min read
The Smart City Dialogues
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 08:00 Morning light seeps through the curtains. PETER rolls over. PETER (V.O): I need to summon...
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Peter K F Cheung SBS
Nov 213 min read
From Routine to Romance
FADE IN Act 1 INT. BEDROOM - 11:00 Morning light filters through the curtains. Sitting up in bed, PETER observes his sleeping WIFE...
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