As a young old, I have been examining and reflecting on my life. How many parallel lives do I seem to have been leading - at least two? One life to follow my basic instinct and my emotions, and another life to chase my dreams?
At 15, I have begun working very hard, and productivity is a way to survive in adversities. At 22, I have begun practising life-long learning, and knowledge is an asset in effective and efficient service delivery. At 56, I have begun challenging my creativity limit, and creativity in whatever context is a way to make a difference.
It is a fact of life that very few are lucky enough to be the right persons in the right places, doing the right things at the right times, while a majority of us have to endure and overcome life's hardships. Being able to be on my own, to be with my family and friends is lovingly satisfying. Being able to contribute to societal developments whenever circumstances permit me is professionally rewarding.
I live my parallel lives to express, to love and be loved, and to make meaning out of my struggle. Although I am not concerned to get noticed, I feel comforting when my absence is felt. While I may not be able to change the world, what I have actualized changes my world!