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K-story Beats

Peter Kam Fai Cheung SBS

Act I Setup

1. Opening music and image (re status quo). We hear the song: "Cruel War"- "The cruel war is waiting..."

2. Theme Stated. Winter 2017. PETER watches TV news showing firing of ballistic missiles. North Korean military officers in command centre with maps highlighting Guam. "Can nuclear warfare be avoided?" Peter sighs.

3. Set-up (what is missing in the main character's world). "It's unsafe to visit Korea." He shares with his family over dinner: "A war of mass destruction might begin." "Crazy people with fire and fury to acquire their power and glory."

4. Catalyst (that changes) Peter writes a blog post, juggling with its title. He first writes: "War And Peace". He then changes it to: "Give Peace a Chance."

5. Debates (on the way forward). TV news images. Winter Olympics. Enter the Korean flags. A joint Korean team fares badly. "Is that a bad omen?" Peter wonders.

6. Story A breaks into Act II (another world). Peter murmurs. "They've warmed up."" Trust takes time to build." "Would something better happen?"

Act II Confrontation

7. Story B (Courting). Spring 2018. TV news showing Korean officials in dialogues. "Foot in the door and from sports to politics, I know this will happen!" Peter ponders.

8. Fun and Games (the Promise of the Premise). Images from TV news. Korean personnel in authority meet and embrace, they walk hand in hand over a divide. Peter looks on: "Politics is really the art of the possible!"

9. Midpoint (ie awesome or awful moment) A beat. Images from TV news: "A Summit between rocket men? Wow! What an achievement! The small one should be content!" Peter remarks.

10. Bad Guys Close In. TV news images showing visits of the small rocket man to China, and US Secretary of State to North Korea. "North Korea to de-nuclearize unilaterally? What are the pain points and the gain points?" Peter ponders.

11. All Is Lost. A beat. Summer 2018. TV news images showing military drill, someone maintains might is right, and another warns of no bad behaviour. Peter remembers his engaging time (2000s) in the Harvard Kennedy School of Government."Bad diplomacy is at work" Peter criticizes. "You can think about it, but not to talk about it in public.'

12. Dark Night of the Soul (ie rock bottom). A beat. TV news images. "Open hostilities met with hostilities? US calls off the Summit? South Korea not in the picture? Who cares about the Koreans? " Peter looks bewildered.

13. Break into Act III (intervening new inspiration). Peter is in deep thoughts. "Morally, it is hard to argue: 'I'll keep mine and be big and strong forever, while you must let go yours and be small and weak forever'.

Act III Resolution

14. Finale (synthesizing Story A and Story B). TV news images. "Oh, UN Secretary General speaks." Peter looks surprised. Peter remembers his time (1980s) engaging at the Hague Academy of International Law. "I've nearly forgotten about the institution's existence. If UN Members are really peace-loving, would they threaten the use of force?" "If UN Members abide by the law of peace, Koreans can settle differences between themselves. Political blocks need not be chained. Decentralization is trendy." Koreans meet.

15. Final Image and Music (re change). Dream sequence. People in authority meet in a mighty room signing papers, as the song "Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream" begins to play.

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