Act 1
INT. BEDROOM - 22:15 (Yesterday)
Working on a laptop, PETER sees an incoming mesasge in the family's chat group.
PETER (V.O): It's from my elder son directing to my elder daughter living in Seoul.
Reading: All good? Martial law has been declared...
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): What's happening in Seoul?
Reading: No idea what's happening. I hear non-stop helicopter sounds.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): The military are doing surveillance.
Peter types his remark: Don't go out.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): But my wife and I are flying out to Seoul in two days...
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): How long would the martial law period last this time?
Act 2
The sun shines brightly. Inside a coach, Peter (26) and Sharon (25) enjoy the sights.
PETER (V.O): It's my first travel overseas. How nice is the Philippines!
The tour guide, JOHN (20s), speaks to the tour GROUP with a mic at the front.
JOHN: Just a reminder. The Philippinese is still under martial law...It began in 1972...
John gets the group's full attention.
PETER (V.O): What does that mean for us?
JOHN (Cont'd): The military has the full authority to maintain order.
PETER: But I observe the locals going about their day...Is it really as strict as it sounds?
JOHN: It depends. In many places like tourist areas, life goes on normally. Just stay aware.
Peter looks subdued.
PETER (V.O): I just hope that life in South Korea would be like that especially for the next few days.
Having edited a draft in his laptop, Peter publishes it.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): While I'm in South Korea, I won't write or publish anything.
INT. STUDY - 11:45
Having done his streaks in the Dulingo app, Peter checks a link in the family chat group.
PETER (V.O): It's from my wife...South Korea martial law lifted? I daredn't hope that it'd finish in just six hours!
A smile breaking on his face.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): For selfish and family reasons, I love it!
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): We can check in our flights soon.
While having dinner, Peter and his WIFE follow the TV news on South Korea.
PETER: I can't shake off my thoughts about the martial law situation. I wonder what were the motives.
WIFE: Declaring martial laws is a desperate move in a political crisis.
PETER: Some may see the declaration as an opportunity to consolidate and seize power in an easy way.
WIFE: Yes, power, plain and simple. But power corrupts.
WIFE (Cont'd): It isn't uncommon for heads of states to grant immunities to connected people before leaving offices.
PETER: They know they're overlapping but don't care.
WIFE: They play their own rules. Once they're in power, they do what they can to stay there. No matter the cost.
PETER: It feels like we're stuck in a loop. Every generation faces similar challenges.
WIFE: Let's hope that what happened in South Korea leads to something better for the future.
PETER: Yes, disappointment should be finite, hope infinite.
Act 3
INT. BEDROOM - 21:30
Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled: "A Day of Hope..." to a draft in his laptop.
PETER (V.O): Despite challenges, it's possible there's a brighter future ahead.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Every day has a new beginning and hope can be renewed daily.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): At the end of the day, in addition to hope, I need the strength to hold on until things get better.