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Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

An Arhat?

  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. SITTING ROOM - 8:30

  4. PETER is having screen time.

  5. PETER (V.O.): Wow, somebody traded stocks for a year and lost his 15 years' saving.

  6. Reflecting.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Isn't that a timely warning bell for me?

  8. Pausing.

  9. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Since mid-September this year, I've been buying stocks and holding them.

  10. Pausing.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I thought Hong Kong stocks were cheap. Now, they're cheaper.

  12. Pausing.

  13. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I intend to take risk and be enterprising. Isn't it never too late to be what I might have been?

  14. Act 2


  16. A city park with Tang Dynasty temple style wooden structures. Peter is touring with FRIENDS.

  17. FRIEND#1: I'm so pleased you could join.

  18. PETER: If I'm available, I won't miss our gatherings. We were classmates in Tsinghua U 25 years ago.

  19. Peter takes photos of the environment.

  20. PETER (Cont'd): It's my first time here.

  21. FRIEND#2: I've been here a couple of times.

  22. They see local tour groups.

  23. FRIEND#3: Here's a near substitute for those who want to see Japanese-like gardens.

  24. They arrive at a temple.

  25. FRIEND#1: Peter, is it okay for you visit it?

  26. PETER: Of course. I was converted to Buddhism around age 11. My religious name is Gautama Ching Fai (釋靜輝).

  27. Peter's friends look surprised.

  28. PETER (Cont'd): I studied in a Buddhist primary school. I thought the Buddhists' belief that the human life was one of suffering was right.



  31. Garden. Peter (11) is in thoughts.

  32. PETER (V.O.): The school is asking us to consider to be converted to Buddhism.

  33. Pausing.

  34. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I abide by the Buddhist morality, in particular, abstaining from killing living beings.

  35. Pausing.

  36. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): If spiritual labour and good behaviour would lead to nirvana or enlightenment, I'm all for it.


  38. They see statutes in sitting or standing positions on display.

  39. FRIEND#2: The sculptures differ in their details.

  40. FRIEND#3: For Buddha, the minute parts make a difference. What are those non-distinctive ones?

  41. PETER: They're arhats. Buddha attained enlightenment by himself whereas arhats did that by following others' teachings.

  42. Pausing.

  43. PETER (Cont'd):The statues are meant to be visible images to associate with Buddhist's teachings.

  44. Pausing.

  45. PETER(Cont'd):However, believers might habitually worship the statues as gods.

  46. Pausing.

  47. PETER (Cont'd): That's what I don't like as I'm not feeble-minded.

  48. Pausing.

  49. PETER (Cont'd): Another limit of Buddhism is that one has to help oneself to be enlightened.

  50. FRIEND#1: But if anyone can save himself/herself, that would be good enough.

  51. PETER: True.

  52. Act 3

  53. INT. SITTING ROOM - 22:30

  54. Having taken a look on his entrepreneurship fund, Peter focuses on one screen image depicting arhat (羅漢).

  55. PETER (V.O.): Have I released myself from my existential being and its inherent suffering?

  56. Reflecting.

  57. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Probably not. At least, my fire of deriving profit from my entrepreneurship fund hasn't been extinguished yet.

  58. Pausing.

  59. PETER (V.O.): Would I gain insight into the nature of my existence like an arhat?

  60. Reflecting.

  61. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): But I enlighten myself...

  62. FADE OUT

  63. THE END

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