Act 1
INT. LIVING ROOM - 13:00 (Yesterday)
Having checked his cards inside a wallet, PETER talks to his WIFE.
PETER: Can you tell me where is the Bank of China branch in Lo Wu? You've been there, right?
WIFE: Yes, but it's hard for me to describe...it isn't far away from China Mobile...
PETER: You know, I couldn't use my mainland bank account as I haven't verified my identiy with the bank.
Peter's wife signfies understanding.
PETER (V.O.): And my wife wants to keep our pet company...in fact, we'll travel to Seoul and Busan in early December.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): But I haven't travelled outside Hong Kong in Nov - I've a hobby to travel monthly.
Act 2
Having crossed the border, Peter looks around.
PETER (V.O): Google Maps tells me that the Bank of China branch is nearby. But I see no sign of it.
Taking out his Remi mobile, Peter taps the amap App.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): In Mainland China, the App should be able to guide me accurately.
Having entered "Bank of China, Lo Wu Branch" as his walking destination, Peter follows the directions.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I'm walking parallel to the railway station...
After a few minutes, the App announces: You've arrived at your destination.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Arrived?
Peter scans the area.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It's the entrance to the railway station...
Peter checks the App again.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Is the branch inside the station? I must seek help.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): But for an old man travelling alone to ask strangers where's a bank can lead to unsafe situations.
Seeing a uniformed security guard on patrol, Peter approaches him and asks for directions.
SECURITY GUARD: Walk ahead and take the stacks of escalators down. Don't take the lift...
As Peter arrives at the quiet escalators, a MAN suddenly appears and approaches Peter.
PETER (V.O): Don't ask me how to go anywhere...
MAN: Give me $30 to buy a train ticket...
Ignoring the man with determination, Peter rushes down the escalators.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): He knows I must take the escalators to go to the bank...
Crowded. STAFF#1 directs Peter to the end of a long queue with seats available for those waiting.
PETER (V.O): As I wait...I had better declutter my Google photos. I don't want to upgrade my plan again to keep unnecessary items.
An hour later, it's Peter turn. Before an intelligent teller, STAFF#2 guides Peter to select the icons and have his face recognized and verified digitally.
STAFF#2: Done...You can now use your account eg to settle payments...
PETER (V.O): Her performance exceeds my expectations...
Outdoor swimming pool. Being watched by a female LIVEGUARD, Peter is the lone swimmer.
PETER (V.O): I continue to do what I still can.
Palace restaurant. Peter savors a beautifully plated seafood dinner.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I now understand why people in Hong Kong like to cross the border...
King room. Peter watches TV episodes of Nature, narrated by Sir David Attenbourough.
PETER (V.O): He's 98 and is still living in style...I envy him.
On screen, we see predation.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): What's normal for a spider is chaos to a fly...
We hear voice over:...in Nature, every day can be a being's last day.
Act 3
INT. LIVING ROOM - 22:30 (Today)
Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled: "Beyond Borders..." to a draft in his laptop.
PETER (V.O): Beyond borders can also refer to emotional journeys, personal growth and the act of stepping out of one's comfort zone.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Life is about exploring beyond what is familiar, I maintain my monthly travelling hobby.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): All borders are made by peoples. In Nature, everything is connected. Humans should hook together like the colours of a rainbow.