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  • Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Chasing Mastery

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. STUDY - 10:30

  4. Mobile in hand, PETER reads a group chat.

  5. PETER (V.O): Oh, HKUST is back into the top 50 universities in the world again.

  6. Nodding.

  7. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It's the result of the administration's turnaround management.

  8. Peter creates an AI image depicting Good Turnaround Management.

  9. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): In the past 10 years, I doubt if I have made good use of my time.

  10. Via the Duolingo App, Peter begins to practise foreign languages.

  11. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I felt that strongly, when I accompanied my retired wife staying in bed as long as we liked.

  12. Putting pen to paper, Peter writes some Korean words and phrases.

  13. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I need to practise more.

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. BEDROOM - 12:15

  16. Looking tired, Peter enters and lies down next to his WIFE.

  17. PETER (V.O.): I'm mentally exhausted.

  18. Stirring, his wife is surprised that Peter is by her side.

  19. WIFE: You don't have anything to do?

  20. PETER: I need some rest, having learned foreign languages all morning. Shall we have lunch in a restaurant?

  21. WIFE: No, I'd just have a simple breakfast at home.

  22. PETER: If that's the case, I'd better go swimming before I've anything.

  23. EXT. SIVERSTRAND BAY - 14:00

  24. A red flag hoisted. Peter swims confidently along the shoreline.

  25. PETER (V.O): The other day, I asked a coach how to swim better.

  26. Later, Peter returns to the beach, invigorated.

  27. PETER (V.O): Wonderful! The sea is what I need.

  28. INT, HONG KONG CLUB - 17:15

  29. As Peter enters, DENNIS greets him.

  30. PETER: Hi Dennis, thank you for including me.

  31. Peter then meets JACOB.

  32. PETER (V.O): We spoke in a Workshop years ago.

  33. Then, EDWARD joins them.

  34. EDWARD: Hi Peter, I read that you're going to perform a song in a function by end June, right?

  35. PETER: Yes, but I haven't written the song yet. Anyhow, I'm confident that I can come up with one.

  36. Later, JOHN approaches Peter.

  37. JOHN: Hi Peter, I'm John!

  38. PETER: Oh yes, John! You're so customer-focus, as it's not easy to remember names.

  39. JOHN: You once acted as a judge and played a song in our Association's event.

  40. PETER: Oh yes. I remember that now.

  41. As NANA joins them, Peter introduces her to John.

  42. PETER: We're barristers.

  43. JOHN: Peter, I know you've many skills...a Barrister too?

  44. After taking photos together, Peter continues to talk to Nana.

  45. PETER: You've worked as a mediator before. What do you expect from counsel representing the parties.

  46. PETER (V.O.): A case is coming up, and I want to do better.

  47. Later, Peter sees GREGG.

  48. PETER: You're still an astropreneur, right? I learned Space Law after master Bin Cheng in the 1980s. But I had no opportunity to do space-related stuff.

  49. GREGG: You're ahead of time!

  50. Peter nods.

  51. Act 3

  52. INT. STUDY - 21:30

  53. Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled "Chasing Mastery ..." to a draft.

  54. PETER (V.O): Desiring to continue learning and doing better in my domains. I'm racing against time.

  55. Thinking.

  56. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): And I know the time that leads to mastery is dependent on the intensity of my focus.

  57. Reflecting.

  58. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Actually, any possible mastery is a by-product to me, as my goal is to optimize my potential as a being.

  59. FADE OUT

  60. THE END

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