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  • Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Connections Unveiled

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1


  4. End of session. PETER rises. Then, JOHN, a conference attendee, approaches him

  5. JOHN: Peter, is that you? I remember you, You're the former Director of IP.

  6. PETER Yes, that's right. It's been a while.

  7. JOHN: I've moved from printing to security...

  8. CK, anther attendee, joins in.

  9. CK: Did you know that Peter first talked about tokenization of IP years ago?

  10. PETER: The proof of concept of IP trading might materialize soon.

  11. ERIC#1, another attendee, approaches Peter.

  12. ERIC#1: Should we partner up and make the next move?

  13. PETER: I appreciate your interest Eric. Let's discuss it further after the conference.

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. FUNCTION ROOM - 12:45

  16. Having taken a seat at a round table, ERIC#2 approaches Peter.

  17. ERIC#2: I'm Eric. I work in the International Law Division of DOJ.

  18. PETER: Hi Eric, in the mid 1980s, I read two LLM in International Law.

  19. ERIC#2: What subjects did you take?

  20. PETER: Jurisprudence, Treaty Law, International Protection of Human Rights, Sea, Air & Space Law.

  21. JAYRION takes a seat next to Peter.

  22. PETER (Cont'd): Since 1991, I've concluded that International Law so-called is actually power politics.

  23. Talking to Jayrion.

  24. PETER (Cont'd): Hi Jayrion, I'm Peter, a counsel. What do you do?

  25. JAYRION: I'm with the Foreign Office, S.A. I spent four years at the Hague.

  26. PETER: I studied at the Peace Palace from July to August 1987. Did you enjoy the beach at Scheveningen?

  27. JAYRION: Very much!

  28. A PROFESSOR from HKUST delivers a luncheon speech on AI.

  29. PETER (V.O.): Hmm, a lot of investment and work have to be done to make AI models to have common sense.

  30. Later, when the Professor leaves, he walks up to Peter and shakes hands with him.

  31. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): We know each other well. I'm a HKUST Council Member.

  32. Other ATTENDEES sitting next to Peter then pass their name cards to him.

  33. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Is that the power of connections?

  34. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 15:30

  35. On stage, a SPEAKER begins to deliver a speech.

  36. PETER (V.O.): Oh, it's Albert.

  37. Recalling.

  38. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): In 1980, we're Govt's Land Executives. We won the Govt's training scholarships to study law.

  39. Recalling.

  40. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Having qualified, he practised in the private sector while I stayed with the Govt.

  41. Listening attentively.

  42. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): He's talking about something that I didn't know before. Updates are important.

  43. When the session ends, Albert engages Peter.

  44. EXT. RESTAURANT - 19:00

  45. Gala dinner. Hanhui and Jocob approach Peter

  46. HANHUI: Peter, I remember you played the guitar and sang your song to welcome conference participants.

  47. PETER (V.O): Did I? It must be before my retirement 10 years ago.

  48. JACOB: Your performance set the tone of the entire event.

  49. Then, we see and hear a MAN wearing a red hat singing and Peter uses a smartphone to capture a few clips.

  50. PETER (V.O): When I perform, I just want to showcase creativity ie if I can do it, so can you.

  51. When a WOMAN sings in reply, Peter focuses on his smartphone screen.

  52. Act 3

  53. INT. STUDY - 23:30

  54. On Peter's smartphone screen, we see an animation AI drawing entitled "Connections Unveiled".

  55. PETER (V.O): There're experiences, relationships and bonds that may have been hidden over time. I engaged Yun as I first met him in Geneva over 20 years ago.

  56. Recalling.

  57. PETER (V.O.): There's potential for seemingly forgotten significant connections to be unveiled. Jimmy also engaged me as I mentored his son and daughter.

  58. Pausing.

  59. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's pleasing to know the impact I made in the past is still having an effect on others.

  60. FADE OUT

  61. THE END

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