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Copy, Paste and Persist

Writer's picture: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. BEDROOM - 00:15

  4. With tired eyes, PETER squints at the screen of his laptop.

  5. PETER (V.O): If I'm unfamiliar with the simplified Chinese icons, I'd adapt to them.

  6. Peter exams the icons and clicks them, attempting to copy and paste.

  7. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If at first I don't succeed, try, try again.

  8. Then, we see Peter highlighting some texts and clicking an icon that looks like two overlapping sheets of paper.

  9. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Is this the "Copy" icon?

  10. Then, we see Peter clicking an icon that looks like a clipboard with a piece of paper on it.

  11. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh, is this the "Paste" icon?

  12. Peter then sees the texts he highlighted falling into place.

  13. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Yes! This is it!

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. STUDY - 11:00

  16. Peter sits in his cluttered desk, surrounded by books and papers, Peter attempts to copy and paste on his laptop.

  17. PETER (V.O.): Where have the copy and paste icons gone?

  18. Through trial and error, Peter finds them and begins to copy and paste some texts.

  19. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I want to copy and paste the particulars of the complainant and the respondent, and the procedural history.

  20. Copying and pasting.

  21. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If I'm to type them myself, it's time-consuming, not to mention the accuracy.

  22. Satisfied. Peter hits "Save".

  23. EXT. PARK - 13:00

  24. Cloudy. Peter places the family pet turtle on the ground, just next to a small flower bed that is a few inches elevated.

  25. PETER (V.O): He's curious and persistent.

  26. Peter watches the turtle approaching the edge of the flower bed.

  27. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I know he'd like to climb up.

  28. We see the turtle straining its legs, trying to lift over the lip of the flower bed.

  29. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): He knows it's a challenge.

  30. The turtle slips back down, landing softly on the ground.

  31. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It won't deter him. He'll try again.

  32. The turtle positions itself at a different angle, using his front legs to grip the edge of the flower bed, pushing and pulling with vigor.

  33. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): He's getting traction. Can he make it?

  34. We see the turtle's back legs losing their hold on the edge, slipping down, tipping over upside down and making a sound.

  35. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It's tough for him. But he doesn't need my help.

  36. Having paused briefly, the turtle stretches and twists his neck and head, exerting energy to flip over.

  37. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I adore him. He can do a somersault, but I can't.

  38. Later, the turtle finally manages to hoist himself up and over the edge of the flower bed.

  39. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh, it's raining now. We've to go home.


  41. Peter is driving towards Silverstrand. We hear from the car radio a DJ talking about the philosophy of life: Life is a series of choices...

  42. PETER (V.O): I'm proud that I chose to study Philosophy in my 20s. What I study shapes how I see the world.

  43. Peter is about to reach Silverstrand's public car park.

  44. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I heed the Observatory's warning that I shouldn't swim in the sea when there's a thunderstorm warning.

  45. Parking.

  46. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Now, there's no thunderstorm warning, but the lifeguard service in the bay will end at 6pm.

  47. Taking the staircases down to the bay.

  48. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Persistence alone doesn't conquer all things, I need energy.

  49. Peter is the lone swimmer in the rough water.

  50. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I've to believe the biggest risk is not to take any risk...

  51. Act 3


  53. Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled "Copy, Paste and Persist..." to a draft in his laptop.

  54. PETER (V.O): I'm action-oriented.

  55. Thinking.

  56. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I'm taking control and making changes of my technological and personal growth.

  57. Reflecting.

  58. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): With resilience and determination, I can do better in life.

  59. FADE OUT

  60. THE END

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