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Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Currency of Life

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. STUDY - 07:45

  4. PETER is studying some files.

  5. PETER (V.O.): The more I do, the more I earn.

  6. Thinking.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I knew how hard life could be when there's no option.

  8. Recalling.

  9. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): When I was a small boy, I tried if I could find a coin on the ground. I never found one.

  10. Recalling.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): When I was in primary two, I began doing odd jobs like assembling plastic flowers to earn a few coins.

  12. Pausing.

  13. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Then, I had all the time in the world.

  14. Act 2


  16. A COMMITTEE. The CHAIR is making an opening remark solemnly.

  17. PETER (V.O.): I don't think he's breaking any good news.

  18. Listening.

  19. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Oh, a colleague has recently passed the age of 70...

  20. Thinking.

  21. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I'm over 69...

  22. INT. TIM HO WAN, CENTRAL - 13:30

  23. Peter and his WIFE are having dim sum. We hear STAFF talking to each other.

  24. STAFF#1:...Why don't we accept 10-cent and 50-cent coins...

  25. STAFF#2: People these days won't bother to pick them up if they find them on the ground.

  26. PETER (V.O.): I won't either. To appropriate them is theft if the coins aren't abandoned.

  27. Pausing.

  28. PETER (V.O.): To report the finding to the Police is too cumbersome for any good citizen.

  29. INT. TOILET - 20:30

  30. Entering, Peter sees STAFF#3 sweeping the floor. And then he sees a few coins on the top of a urinal.

  31. PETER (V.O.): The staff is good, knowing finders aren't keepers.

  32. Staring at the coins.

  33. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): But money is a great enabling tool.

  34. Pausing.

  35. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): In my career development, it seems right that the more I learn, the more I earn.

  36. Recalling.

  37. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Upon retirement, I thought that if I couldn't make more money, I'd spend less.


  39. A. Fast food restaurant. 2014. Peter is having a very simple breakfast.

  40. B. Public swimming pool. 2014. Peter pays the concessionary fee at the gate.


  42. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Soon, I found that such a life was no fun.

  43. Pausing.

  44. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Years ago, I read about sayings of sages: To get rich, one has to make money while one's asleep.

  45. Pausing.

  46. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): That must be right as one can't work all the time.

  47. Pausing.

  48. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): But my investments have big negative returns.

  49. Pondering.

  50. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): As I don't find a way to make money while I sleep, do I have to work until I die?

  51. Act 3

  52. INT. STUDY - 23:00

  53. Having input the prompt: "A boy hoping to find a coin on the ground" in an AI art generator, Peter sees a cubist image appearing.

  54. PETER (V.O.): Money is powerful in the sense that one can live life on one's own terms.

  55. Thinking.

  56. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Having little money isn't a big deal. If I don't have time, I've no life.

  57. Pondering.

  58. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Let me optimize the currency of life while I still can - to love myself and my loved ones more.


  60. A. Tim Ho Wan. Tomorrow. Peter is having dim sum with his wife.

  61. B. Restaurant. Coming Sunday, Peter is having dinner with FAMILY.

  62. FADE OUT

  63. THE END

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