Act 1
PETER hears his WIFE talking to the MAID.
WIFE: Wake me up at 10am tomorrow.
MAID: Ma'am, I'm on leave tomorrow.
PETER (to wife): Tomorrow is Saturday...
WIFE: I've bought a new dehumidifier. It'll be delivered tomorrow afternoon.
PETER: Then, we won't go to car tire repairer until we get delivery of it.
PETER (V.O): Once we've ordered something, we want instant satisfaction, if possible.
Act 2
INT. STUDIO - 11:00
Placed on the sheet music stand of the Clavinova is an iPad Mini showing an online piano tutorial and music sheets. Studying them closely, Peter begins to play.
PETER (V.O): As my wife is still sleeping, I should make good use of my time.
Soon, Peter's fingers stumble on the keyboard.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): In previous practices, I missed playing a few notes.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): While they aren't noticeable, I'm learning to play well.
Later, we hear Peter playing better, and we see confidence in his eyes.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Gradually, I'm making progress.
Later, Peter checks the time.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh, I've lost track of the hours.
INT. BEDROOM - 13:45
Appearing, Peter sees his wife sitting up in bed, checking her mobile messages.
WIFE: Oh, I've missed all the deliveryman's calls from the noon to 1pm.
WIFE (Cont'd): The deliveryman has already made a detour...we won't get our new dehumidifier until days later.
Peter's wife looks very disappointed.
WIFE (Cont'd): The delivery was efficient but not effective!
Peter looks embarrassed.
PETER (V.O): I didn't practise the piano in the living room here as it'd cause nuisance to my wife and our younger daughter. They're owls.
PETER: Let me go to the mall to buy afternoon tea sets home.
Peter sees his wife pressing the wheel's center piece of the pet stroller to detach it.
PETER: Oh, it's so user-friendly.
Eagerly, they inspect the tire.
PETER: There's no visible puncture or cut.
Attaching a pump to a wheel valve, they attempt to inflate it in a pot of water.
WIFE: No, lots of water bubbles...
PETER: I doubt if the car tire repairer can fix it.
WIFE: While visiting Japan next month, we can make a detour to buy it from the manufacturer.
Surfing the web, Peter mines a video clip explaining how to change the inner tube of the brand's stroller tire.
PETER: I see. The tire has an inner tube.
Using a lever and chopsticks, they manage to remove the tire from both sides of the rim, extract the inner tube, pump it and dip it into the pot water. They see water bubbles, as before.
PETER (Cont'd): What remains to be done is to buy a new inner tube to replace the torn one.
They resume their own screen time. Soon, we hear a delightful voice from his wife.
WIFE: I've mined and ordered a near substitute from Taibao, for just HK$18! It's on its way to us!
PETER: Great! Is it coming via consolidated transportation? Please help me buy something!
WIFE: No...
PETER: But I don't know how to do it...Darling...please.
Act 3
Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled "Delivery, Detours & Delight" to a text.
PETER (V.O): While delivery of goods is good, delivery of an experience is better.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I see detours as opportunities to experience something new.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Delighted that we've got something that exceeds our expectations!
