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  • Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Driving Delights

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. LIVING ROOM -09:30

  4. Sitting before a desk with mobiles on stands, we hear PETER speaking. Buongiorno. Bonjour...Guten Morgen...

  5. Recalling.

  6. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): During the summer of 1987, I was studying initially in Strasbourg and then in Den Haag.

  7. Recalling.

  8. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): During weekends, I'd hire a car and drive across countries and cities eg from Strasbourg to Basel, Bern, Lausanne, and then to Turin and Nice.

  9. Recalling.

  10. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): When I drove to patrol filling stations, the servicemen might initially speak in Italian, French or German.

  11. Recalling.

  12. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): When I joined Geneva conferences in 1992 as a UK delegate, I was sitting behind the signage "Royaume-Uni".

  13. Peter continues to practise with the Duolingo App.

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. LIVING ROOM - 12:15

  16. We see Peter's WIFE leaving home without disturbing Peter.

  17. PETER (V.O.): My fully-retired wife has her arrangements today.

  18. Peter rubs his temples.

  19. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): It's quite a workout for my mind.

  20. Pausing.

  21. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I'm thinking of going for a swim.

  22. Peter looks out of the window.

  23. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): The weather isn't fine.

  24. Peter checks his mobile's MyObservatory app.

  25. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh, the chance of rain is even higher in the late afternoon.

  26. Immediately, Peter picks up his swimming bag.


  28. Rainy. Peter is driving his 30-year old silver Eunos 30X, with windscreen swipers on.

  29. PETER (V.O): I meant to drive to the nearby Silverstrand Bay, but then I recalled I hadn't returned to my NT home for over a fortnight.

  30. Pausing.

  31. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I don't mind swimming in the rain...

  32. Then, we hear from the car radio: The thunderstorm warning is on...

  33. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh dear...

  34. EXT - GOLD COAST - 13:30

  35. Rainy beach. Peter has his eyes on the flag posts.

  36. PETER (V.O): No red flag!

  37. Smiling, Peter heads towards the bay water. He is the only one swimming.

  38. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Life guards are on duty though. I shouldn't make life difficult for them.

  39. Peter swims parallel to the shoreline.

  40. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If I'm struck by lightning, it should be easy for them to find me.

  41. INT. CAFE DE CORAL - 15:30

  42. Lake view. Sipping Ovaltine and having Barbecue Pork and Duck Noodles in Soup, Peter looks content.

  43. PETER (V.O): I drove my numeric blue SMART car here. It's my relatively new car, just 21 years old. I still like to capture images of it!

  44. INT. PETER'S NT HOME - 16:30

  45. Studio, 1/F. Peter plays the piano. We hear: A Summer Place, Imagine and some jazz voicings.

  46. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I began practising about two years ago, and I can hear my results.

  47. EXT. ROADS TO TOWN - 19:30

  48. Peter is driving his 35-year old red Nissan Silvia 13, with windows down and oldie music blaring.

  49. PETER (V.O): The rain has stopped. It's cool. If the volume is low, I can't hear the bass notes. I like the extra-ordinary experience.

  50. Stopping before a traffic light, we see a DRIVER in a car parallel to Peter's and some crossing PEDESTRIANS staring at Peter.

  51. Act 3

  52. INT. LIVING ROOM - 21:00

  53. Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled "Driving Delights ..." to a draft.

  54. PETER (V.O): Tonight, I particularly enjoyed driving my vintage coupe and listening to guitar instrumental music like Theme for Young Lovers.

  55. Pausing.

  56. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I don't know if the young have ever heard of such nice oldies. For a 70-year old man, they're simple delights.

  57. Reflecting.

  58. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I believe I've found a wonderful routine or rhythm to my unretired life.

  59. FADE OUT

  60. THE END

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