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Floating Memories

Writer: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS
  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1


  4. INT. STUDY - 13:00

  5. Messy. PETER sits comfortably on a sofa, the Duolingo app open on his smartphone.

  6. PETER (V.O.): One of my daily routines is to tackle my language quests.

  7. Peter completes a series of Portuguese vocabulary exercises, matching words with images.

  8. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): My memories haven't gone dormant yet.

  9. Peter repeats phrases in Portuguese aloud, checking his degree of accuracy.

  10. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): There's always room for improvement in my pronunciation.

  11. Peter wraps up his daily quest by correcting his mistakes.

  12. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Done! My second daily routine is swimming. Shall I go swimming in the sea or in a pool?

  13. Pausing.

  14. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I need time to tidy up this apartment a bit since our younger daughter's friend from Australia will be staying with us for several nights.

  15. Act 2


  17. INT. SWIMMING POOL - 15:30

  18. The sound of splashing water fills the air. While swimming leisurely, Peter spots something unusual.

  19. PETER (V.O.): There's an experienced swimmer who supports a young man like a lifeuguard saving a distressed person.

  20.  Peter swims a bit closer to them.

  21. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Oh, the young man is still in the water while the experienced swimmer carefully supports him to keep his body afloat.

  22. Observing.

  23. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I believe the young man is a disabled person...It's a beautiful thing, even though it's a struggle.



  26. Looking excited, Peter and a BOY, who has Down syndrome, appear.

  27. PETER (V.O): It's a privilege to have access to a former Olympics pool.


  29. As soon as they step into the water, the boy leaps up and wraps his arms around Peter tightly.

  30. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I know I can't really swim.

  31. They enjoy simple splashes instead.

  32. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): It's clear that Fung-fung is having a fantastic time.


  34. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Fung-fung is the son of a friend living in England.

  35. INT. CHANGING ROOM - 16:15

  36. While blow-drying his hair, Peter notices a young MAN eager to try but unsure how to adjust the wall-mounted hair dryer.

  37. PETER (V.O.): Based on his demeanor, he's autistic. A Malaysian friend of mine has an autistic son.

  38. Peter steps in to help him, while another MAN watches nearby.

  39. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I believe they're father and son. Oh, they're the same two I noticed in the pool earlier.

  40. Recalling.

  41. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): When Chi-wai's grandparents were around, our families made annual visits to each other, either in Penang/KL or in Hong Kong.

  42. Recalling.

  43. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I came to know my Malaysian friend while sitting in the Law of Treaties seminars in UCL.

  44. Recalling.

  45. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): He's quite an introvert and his parents were surprised that he had me as his friend.

  46. Recalling.

  47. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): When my friend got married on a Saturday in 1990, Sharon and I flew to Penang to witness his wedding and returned to Hong Kong the next day.

  48. Pausing.

  49. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I was then working in Law Reform Commission as Senior Crown Counsel and my job was never done.

  50. Pausing.

  51. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Time flies; and I haven't visited Malaysia for several years now.

  52. Anticipating.

  53. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Since my friend finds it challenging to travel with his autistic son, I plan to visit them in KL again before long.

  54.  Act 3


  56. INT. STUDY - 22:00


  58. Peter inserts an AI drawing titled: "Floating Memories..." to a draft on his laptop.


  60. PETER (V.O): Memories are like swimmers floating on the surface, drifting gently and reminding us of the moments that have shaped our lives.

  61. Thinking.


  63. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): In the stillness of reflection, floating memories unveil the beauty of our past.

  64. Reflecting.


  66. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): As I travel through the paths of life, I cherish the floating moments that guide me home.

  67.  FADE OUT

  68. END


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