Act 1
Appearing, PETER joins his WIFE who is sitting on a sofa watching TV.
PETER (V.O): My wife likes to follow dramas...
We see on screen a captivating food drama, showcasing chefs creating exquisite Chinese dishes with vibrant colours. Peter and his wife lean forward.
PETER: I could almost taste them through the screen!
PETER (V.O): When we're overseas, we don't eat Chinese food.
WIFE: We must try them...
PETER: How about we go fine dining tonight? Say to Ming Court.
Eyes light up, Peter's wife calls to make a reservation.
Act 2
Waiting for the lift, Peter notices his wife dressing a designer coat.
PETER (V.O): It was bought during our shopping in Tokyo last Nov.
Peter's eyes widen as he catches the sight of her brand new bag.
PETER: Wow! Look at you! That bag is stunning!
Peter's wife beams, twirling slightly to show it off.
WIFE: It's a perfect assessory for our night out.
PETER: What's the brand? I can't see any logo on it.
WIFE: It's Bottega Veneta.
PETER: We ordered that in its Airport store just before we flew out of Hong Kong about a week ago.
WIFE: And the brand new bag was delivered to our home soon after our return from Akita.
PETER: As the date of the purchase was within the HKairport Rewards++ period, my wife would get two sets of free round-trip tickets to Tokyo or Osaka, or four sets of free round-trip tickets to Beijing or Shanghai.
WIFE: There's a limitation on the travelling period...
PETER: From April to Sept, 2025.
PETER (Cont'd): Hmm...we've already fixed our flights for Feb, March, May, June, July and August.
WIFE: For April, we should visit Australia just before our son there returning to Hong Kong for good.
PETER: Agreed... We can also help him bring some stuff home too.
PETER(Cont'd): So it's probable that we'd use the free sets of air tickets in Sept, flying to Tokyo or Osaka.
WIFE: I prefer Osaka, as we often fly to Tokyo for connecting flights.
PETER: Yes, we'll stop over in Tokyo again in Feb; our main destination is Sapporo.
The lift arrives.
Sophisticated and elegant ambiance reflecting traditional Chinese aesthetics blended with modern luxury. Sitting in a cosy table, Peter and his wife read the menus.
WIFE: I think we'd order the Black Pearl tasting menu.
PETER: And the Chinese carrot cake here to takeaway.
WIFE: Yes! I can prepare less...
EXT. KAKUNODATEMACHI, AKITA - 12:00 (20 Jan 2025)
Blanketed in snow. Peter and his wife walk along a road. Then, the PROPRIETOR of a lone roadside store presents some sweets to them.
PETER: If the sweets taste reasonably good, we'd buy some. I want to reward those who have customer-focus.
Later, Peter and his wife buys bags of sweets from the Proprietor.
A WAITER takes their orders.
PETER (V.O): While overseas, my wife and I shop as much as our baggage capacity permits.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): My wife loves to explore where to shop; and money can buy happiness.
Remembering something, Peter researches with his smartphone.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Oh, the HKairport rewards++ ends on 4 Feb, 2025. We're several days late and can't repeat our perfect airport shopping experience.
Act 3
Peter inserts an AI drawing titled: "Fly, Shop, Repeat..." to a draft on his laptop.
PETER (V.O): There's joy in indulging in life's luxuries, like ladies' bags and travels.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): There's fun in strategic planning and making the most of opportunities available to us.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): More importantly, shared experiences strengthen relationships.