Act 1
EXT. MTR CABIN - 16:45
Sitting in a priority seat, PETER, in a 3-piece black suit, is in thoughts.
PETER (V.O.): I'm going home. But a defendant I prosecuted is beginning his 21-month imprisonment.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I don't think he's prepared for that, having hired able counsel to defend him.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): However, the message is clear - trafficking in drugs actually doesn't pay.
PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Last week, I visited the crime scene. It isn't far away from my NT home.
PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): And for the past couple of days, young detectives have been giving me good support in case preparation.
Act 2
Peter is driving a black SUV. His WIFE is navigating.
WIFE: We've been able to avoid paying Congestion Zone charges.
PETER: We're driving just outside its boundary.
WIFE: But to avoid paying charges of Lower Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone is really difficult.
PETER: We just pay then. We meant to take public transport while in London. But we knew there'd be a train strike today.
Phone rings. Peter's wife answers it.
WIFE (To Phone): Your small bag has been stolen? Where? In SOHO?
PETER: How about her passport?
WIFE (To Phone): The passport is in the hotel room...
PETER: Okay, just money matters.
WIFE (To Phone):...only the debit card is valuable? e-Transfer all the money to me, saving 20 pounds for your travelling back to the hotel...
Later. The phone rings again.
WIFE (To Phone): You can't get on the fully-packed bus...three in a row already? Walking back to the hotel? Would take about an hour?
PETER: See if we can meet her midway along a road.
Peter's wife checks their location vis-a-vis their younger daughter's location.
WIFE: Yes, I've found the road where we can meet.
Following his wife's direction, Peter makes a few turns and the car is moving along Road A5.
WIFE (Cont'd): We should be meeting her in 15 minutes.
But they don't see any trace of their younger daughter.
PETER: It's nearly an hour since our last contact...Are we in the right direction?
WIFE: Oh no, we're actually moving farther and farther away from her...
Later, we see Peter and his wife entering the Marriot Maida Vile at about the same time as their younger DAUGHTER.
INT. HOTEL ROOM - 07:00 (Nov 11, 2022)
Bathroom. Joining a Zoom meeting with his iPad Mini, Peter soon speaks.
PETER (V.O.): It's a 3.00pm HKUST Committee meeting in Hong Kong. Initially, I sent my apologies but then the secretariat reminded me of the Zoom alternative.
Later, Peter sees his wife showing him the car key and going out with their younger daughter.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): They facilitate me to do voluntary work while travelling overseas for fun.
Having done the meeting, Peter sees his wife and daughter returning with anger.
WIFE: Just then inside the lift, an inconsiderate man pulling a luggage trolley bumped into my hand causing my coffee spilling on my scarf and sweater...
PETER: Let's lodge a complaint with the management.
As Peter and his wife are talking to a young SUPERVISOR, they see a WOMAN and then a MAN pulling a trolley with baggage coming out of a lift.
We hear Peter saying to the man: Did you owe my wife an apology? And the man responding: My jacket gets the coffee too!
WIFE: Such an arrogant person!
Act 3
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): The hotel supervisor was so good that she offered my wife free and prompt laundry service for the fault of one of their guests.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I documented the event in a Google Maps review about the hotel, featuring the rude and arrogant man. Life isn't about fairness. It's just eventful.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Disciplining my mind, I see the good in every situation and think positive of every event.
PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): And during the course of one's eventful life, one makes one's own difference - for better or worse.
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