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Little Things

Writer: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS
  1. FADE IN.

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. SITTING ROOM - 11:00

  4. Seeing an email from the Treasury, PETER smiles a little.

  5. PETER (V.O.): Ah, my monthly pension will be paid before X'mas. In my early 20s, I was happy if I got paid just days earlier.

  6. Recalling.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): This time is no different, as I've little cash for festive activities.

  8. Pausing.

  9. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): My old Mum is easy to please. I just give her money during festive times.

  10. Reflecting.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Before retirement, I strived to achieve something big. I didn't care about little things in life.

  12. Pausing.

  13. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Now, I appreciate little things more than ever.

  14. Act 2

  15. INT. SITTING ROOM - 12:00

  16. Checking a Quora notification, Peter sees: 78 people have requested your answers to questions this week.

  17. PETER (V.O.): Saturday is a good day for me to entertain my fans in Quora.

  18. Inserting an image, Peter types an answer to a question.

  19. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd) : I share my knowledge, wisdom and insight in my answers with featured photos.

  20. As Peter checks another question, we see: Is absolute uncertainty plus or minus?

  21. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): A challenging question in the mathematical context.

  22. Having surfed the web, Peter is in thoughts.

  23. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): The result of my analysis, synthesis and evaluation is that absolute uncertainty is neither positive nor negative, due to its inherent imperfection.

  24. After inserting a photo depicting the numeral zero, Peter types his answer.

  25. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): The number of views to my answers varies. For personal ones, there're just a little. As an international mentor, I do my best to help.

  26. Recalling.

  27. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): Apart from getting "Upvotes", my answers are being regularly shared by Quorans to their "Spaces". I like their endorsements.

  28. Peter checks some statistics on phone screen.

  29. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): So far, I've answered over 5,100 questions on little things from "live to work" to "work to live". My fans may have taken me as a KOL.

  30. Recalling.

  31. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Quora has also invited me to monetize on my Quora role. But I'm not doing my knowledge transfer for money.

  32. Pausing.

  33. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): It's just my little way to leave an intellectual legacy to humankind.


  35. Entrance. Seeing a long queue, Peter retreats to an escalator. Boy#1 (3), being carried by his PARENT on an adjacent escalator, greets Peter respectfully.

  36. BOY#1: Hello! Gong Gong (公公)!

  37. PETER (Enthusiastically) : Hello!

  38. Peter smiles behind his facemask.

  39. PETER (V.O.): Did he say Goh Goh (哥哥}?

  40. Using his smartphone's back camera lens, Peter checks his white-haired image.

  41. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): He's calling me Gong Gong (公公), although I'd like to hear Goh Goh (哥哥}!


  43. EXT. COACH - DAY (1991)

  44. A WOMAN and BOY#2 (8) sit with Peter (37) in a 3-seater row.

  45. WOMAN: Say hello to Pak Pak (伯伯).

  46. BOY#2: Pak Pak (伯伯).

  47. Peter reacts awkwardly.


  49. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): That little thing was 30 years ago and I could still remember the scene vividly.

  50. Sighing.

  51. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Now, I'm really Gong Gong (公公)-like.

  52. Act 3

  53. INT. MALL - 15:30

  54. Bakery. After showing his senior citizen card to the CASHIER, Peter pays with a green Octopus card.

  55. CASHIER: You get 10% discounts for your chicken pies.

  56. PETER (V.O.): Ever since I tried chicken pies in my teens, I've never tired of having them.

  57. INT. SITTING ROOM - 22:30

  58. Peter is watching a movie on TV.

  59. PETER (V.O.): It was a 1996 romantic comedy. Two of the stars died in 2003. Life goes by in the blink of an eye.

  60. Pausing.

  61. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Looking back, little things make life wonderful!

  62. Looking out of the window, Peter sees some faraway X'mas lightings.

  63. FADE OUT

  64. THE END


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