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Moments That Matter

Writer's picture: Peter K F Cheung SBSPeter K F Cheung SBS

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1


  4. INT. LIVING ROOM - 14:45

  5. Cosy. PETER joins his WIFE on the sofa. His wife shows him a video clip on her smartphone.

  6. PETER: You've captured yesterday's wedding video of Natalie and Ray...

  7. WIFE: They're meaningful moments...I was surprised that the video had a snapshot including my late pets, Phillis and BB.

  8. Peter examines an old happy birthday group photo with his wife.

  9. PETER (Cont'd): It was my nephew Sing's birthday...My smiling Mom was holding the baby Natalie in her arms...You'd Phillis and BB...

  10. Pausing.

  11. PETER (Cont'd): My son was in kindergarten... I was 39, my l sister 42, and my Mom 60...

  12. WIFE: Phillis was three years old, and BB just one...I didn't give BB the due care she deserved...


  14. PETER (V.O): Then, we had many commitments...

  15. Act 2



  18. A. Public swimming pool, morning. Peter swims his daily laps in different styles.

  19. B. Study, afternoon. Peter writes and publish his daily screenplay.

  20. C. Road, later. Stopping his car before the traffic lights, Peter completes his daily language quest as his wife looks on.

  21. INT. ELDERLY HOME - 15:15

  22. Common room. Peter and his wife see their MOM sitting in a wheelchair waiting with a NURSE by her side.

  23. PETER: Mom, do you remember who I'm?

  24. WIFE: Mom once remarked that those engaging her kindly must be her relatives.

  25. MOM (smiling widely): You're my elderest son!

  26. NURSE: We know her granddaughter is getting married today and she'll have the joy of witnessing the ceremony, and joining the banquet.

  27. INT. STARRY TERRACE - 16:00

  28. Lift lobby. Peter, his wife and her MOM (93) in a wheelchair, appear. A STAFF greets them.

  29. STAFF: The first guests have arrived.

  30. PETER (V.O): I wasn't sure how it'd go. Driving here and coming up turned out to be smoother than I expected.

  31. STAFF: The 5pm wedding ceremony will be at the roof garden. There's a special lift to go up...The sun shines brightly now.

  32. Banquet hall. At a head table, Peter's wife gently spoons Peter's Mom with soft fish congee. With no teeth, Peter's Mom eats slowly but contentedly.


  34. PETER: 4:30pm has been her dinner time at the elderly home.

  35. Roof garden. Crowded with GUESTS. Peter holds an umbrella above her Mom, shielding her from the bright sunshine, ensuring she's comfortable and protected.

  36. PETER: Your granddaughter is getting married soon.


  38. Peter's Mom claps along with the crowd at key moments, her toothless smile wide and joyful.

  39. PETER (V.O): It's wonderful to see my Mom break away from the routine of the elderly home, even if just for a day.

  40. Banquet hall. Head table. Wedding cakes on the table, Peter's Mom, with a spark of determination in her eyes, picks up a fork and carefully helps herself to a slice. Peter and his brother, WING watch with quiet admiration.

  41. WING: I buy her soft cakes whenever I visit her... she can consume many slices.

  42. PETER: Despite having no teeth, she manage to swallow the soft cake with ease.

  43. WING: She used to eat lots of Sugus candies.

  44. PETER (V.O): I've forgotten about that...I stopped eating Sugus candies as I hated toothaches and feared tooth extractions. The sweetness wasn't worth the pain.

  45. Later, the banquet begins. Peter's other SIBLINGS and SPOUSES join the head table.

  46. WAITRESS: Who would like to have brandy, wine or beer?

  47. KEUNG: We don't drink.

  48. PETER (V.O): Have I set an example for my brothers?


  50. Then, Peter is busy eating his Mom's portion of food.

  51. PETER: Who can help?

  52. As Peter looks around the table, Ming Ming offers some support.

  53. PETER (to the waitress): Please take away my Mom's portion. She's toothless.

  54.  Later, when sweet soup and pudding are served, Peter's Mom helps herself to them with a spoon and a pair of chopsticks, as the siblings and spouses look on.

  55. WING: Mom is till very good in using chopsticks.

  56. MOM: I'm full now.

  57. PETER (V.O): I had planned that we'd skip the dessert and leave early. How wrong I was!


  59. Act 3


  61. INT. LIVING ROOM - 20:30


  63. Peter inserts an AI drawing titled: "Moments That Matter..." to a draft on his laptop.


  65. PETER (V.O): I don't remember days. I remember moments. Life is a collection of moments.

  66. Thinking.


  68. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): Moments that matter are the moments that make me feel alive.

  69. Reflecting.


  71. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): The moments of happiness I cherish most are the ones that take me by surprise. It's not that I chase them - it's that they find me, and leave me forever changed.

  72. FADE OUT


  74. THE END


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