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  • Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

Stories Unfolded

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. STUDY - 08:30

  4. PETER is in a three-piece suit.

  5. PETER (V.O.): The BIP Asia Forum 2023 begins today.

  6. Checking phone mail boxes.

  7. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I'm hosting a lunch for visiting relatives from LA.

  8. Checking WhatsApp messages.

  9. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): After that, I'll rejoin the Forum.

  10. Checking phone diary.

  11. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): In the evening, there's a HKUST Court Meeting cum dinner.

  12. Peter tightens his tie.

  13. Act 2

  14. INT. HALL, HKCEE - 09:30

  15. Thousands of PARTICIPANTS. Arriving, Peter hears someone speaking on stage.

  16. PETER (V.O.): Ha, the DG of WIPO has just begun to make his opening remarks.

  17. No vacant seat within Peter's sight.

  18. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I'm half an hour late, but I don't mind missing the ceremonial opening remarks.

  19. Peter is being guided to a vacant seat at the back.

  20. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): When I opened the smaller conference over 10 years ago, my part was ceremonial.

  21. Smiling.

  22. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): On one occasion, I sang the chorus of my song to welcome the participants!

  23. We hear a SPEAKER referring to "IP Trading".

  24. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): I championed the concept when I was DIP...

  25. INT. WIPO BOOTH - 10:45

  26. Seeing a MAN manning it, Peter approaches him.

  27. PETER: Hi Ye! Nice eco-booth!

  28. YE: Hi Peter!... Oh, your hair is all white now...Did you originate this conference?

  29. PETER: Let me tell you the story...In the 1990s, Andrew and I thought IP was dry without the business context.

  30. Ye listens attentively.

  31. PETER(Cont'd): To create a soundbite, we cooked up the acronym "BIP". Around 13 years ago, TDC collaborated with us and added "Asia" to catch eyeballs...

  32. Ye understands.

  33. YE: So, you come to see how your baby has grown!


  35. In a cosy corner, Peter is chatting with RELATIVES over dim-sums.

  36. PETER: The story that I witnessed about Jimmy in Hong Kong evidenced that he was a caring son...

  37. MEI: In LA, he's a hardworking pharmacist, a loving husband, and a good father.


  39. After hearing a presentation on AI application, Peter asks questions.

  40. PETER: Will your platform technology become a standard essential one? Does your model have common sense?

  41. The PRESENTER replies and the MODERATOR thanks her.

  42. PETER (V.O.): Well, just one or two clients? My second deep question is unanswered.

  43. Presentations from BaptistU, HKPolyU, CUHK and HKUST follow. Later, Peter posts questions again.

  44. PETER (V.O.)(Cont'd): My lawyerly questions are often short, sharp and shocking...


  46. A. During dinner. Peter chats with ANDREW, EARNEST and YANG.

  47. B. Before dessert. Among OTHERS, Peter sings and chats with EDITH and HELEN.

  48. C. After dinner. Peter chats with RAMBERT and WILSON.

  49. D. On MTR. Wilson and Peter haven't unfolded all of their stories when parting.


  51. Act 3

  52. INT. STUDY - 23:30

  53. On Peter's smartphone screen, we see an animation AI drawing entitled "Stories Unfolded".

  54. PETER (V.O): Setting a trend can influence the direction of businesses and shape culture.

  55. Recalling.

  56. PETER (V.O.): I like to ask insightful questions to stimulate meaningful exchanges and intellectual growth.

  57. Recalling.

  58. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): I love to share stories with relatives and other people as it cements bonds and nurtures relationships.

  59. FADE OUT

  60. THE END

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