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Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

The Language of Life


  1. Act 1 


  3. INT. LIVING ROOM - 00:00


  5. In tense posture, PETER and his WIFE focus on their mobiles, glancing at each other occasionally.

  6. PETER: Our daughter's flight landed late in Incheon, at 11pm, Hong Kong time. Korean time is one hour ahead.


  8. WIFE: Her plane has been waiting for an hour for a parking lot.


  10. PETER: Having waited for the snowstorm to subside, 20 planes landed at more or less the same time.

  11. They get a WhatsApp message.


  13. WIFE: Her plane is now no. 10 in the queue.

  14. PETER: It's likely that our daughter has to wait for another hour before she can alight the aircraft.

  15. WIFE: Then, she has to pass through immigration controls, wait for the baggage and queue for a taxi...

  16. PETER: I checked her flight status when her plane was in flight. And we've not stop communicating since she has got wifi again.

  17. Act 2  


  19. INT. BEDROOM - 07:45

  20. Waking up, Peter grabs his phone to check WhatsApp messages.

  21. PETER (V.O): Collecting baggagge was a mess...waited for an hour for taxi...home at 3:30, Hong Kong time.

  22. Sighing.

  23. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): My loving wife kept on communicating with our daughter until she's home.

  24. INT. LIVING ROOM - 08:00

  25. Appearing, Peter sees his wife sleeping in a massage chair, and KAJI, our family pet, resting in her arms.

  26. PETER (to Kaji): Don't move...I'll bring food to you.

  27. INT. STUDY - 11:15

  28. Finishing a Zoom meeting, Peter looks out of the window.

  29. PETER (V.O): We transact businesses with due diligence.

  30. Pausing.

  31. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If I was wrong in my decision, it's my error of judgment and I take responsibility for that.



  34. Blue sky. White capping. A red flag flying.


  36. PETER (V.O): Health first. Always.

  37. In a wet suit, Peter straps a green float around his waist and dives into the waters.

  38. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If I hear a warning announcement, I'll return to the shore quick.

  39. INT. DINING ROOM - 13:00


  41. Dressed in a suit, Peter is having a bowl of soup noodles.

  42. PETER (V.O): I've only got time for this. A professional meeting is coming up.

  43. EXT. STREET - 17:15


  45. Exiting a skyscraper, Peter is in thoughts.

  46. PETER (V.O): I've played my due professional role, as always.

  47. Pausing.

  48. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): But a high standard of justice is pretty costly to Hong Kong taxpayers.


  50. INT. PHO LE - 18:15


  52. Peter and his wife are having Vietnamese noodles in soup.

  53. WIFE: Our daughter and our son-in-law had a tough time from last night till this early morning.

  54. PETER: Yes, we've done our parts to support them, at least spiritually.

  55. PETER (V.O): Their experience and our partnership are part of the language of life.

  56. PETER (Cont'd): Your Korean class will begin in 30 minutes.

  57. INT. STUDY/STUDIO - 19:30


  59. Tapping the Duolingo App, we see and hear Peter practising Korean, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese.


  61. PETER (V.O.): I've maintained my streaks. Time to practise jazz piano.

  62. Having sit before a piano and played a few chords, Peter hesitates.

  63. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): I can't remember the chord sequence that I practised a lot yesterday.

  64. Act 3


  66. INT. LIVING ROOM - 22:30


  68. Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled: "The Language of Life..." to a draft in his laptop.


  70. PETER (V.O): Language can express thought, conceal thought and take the place of thought.

  71. Thinking.


  73. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): The language of life is a way of understanding relationships, emotions and experiences.


  75.  Reflecting.


  77. PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): If one language sets me in the corridor of life, knowing even a little of multiple languages helps me open some of the doors along my way.

  78. FADE OUT


  80. THE END

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