Act 1
A. Urban home. PETER completes his daily streaks in Duolingo.
B. Golden bay. Peter strives to swim against the curents.
C. NT home. Peter starts up dust-covered cars.
D. Management office. Peter files a return and gets forms.
E. Home studio. Peter practises the piano by playing: A Summer Place.
F. Highway, Peter drives a silver coupe with tired eyes.
INT. BEDROOM - 16:30
Having set a phone alarm, Peter rests in bed.
PETER (V.O): I felt sleepy while driving home...but a 18:30 reception is coming up.
Act 2
Lobby. Peter and CK walk up the stairs to the China room.
CK: Your concept of IP trading is now taking shape...
PETER: You've been so supportive of my initiative...you've a hand in it too.
A backdrop depicting "APAA (HKG)'s 50th Anniversary". HENRY greets Peter.
PETER: Thank you for including me...I'm early.
HENRY: Someone has to come early...Do you know there's an APAA song?
PETER: No, Who wrote it?
Later, OWEN chats with Peter.
OWEN: I still remember your promotion of smell marks...You said Hong Kong, as the Fragant Harbour, should market smells...
PETER: I still believe in it...and other non-device marks ie sound, taste and touch.
Later, TIM chats with Peter.
TIM: I go to all World IP Day celebrations...the one at Tsimshatsui was special.
PETER: Oh yes, it was an open concert...
TIM: And you wrote a World IP Day song...
PETER (V.O): Oh, I 've nearly forgotten about it.
Later, BRENDA, JOYCE and OTHERS chat with Peter.
BRENDA: ..You didn't see me at the BIP Asia Forum...
We then hear Brenda humping:...Let's get together...
PETER: Oh, you can still sing my song...
Later, BARRY chats with Peter.
BARRY: ...You've been doing voluntary work at HKUST...I happened to know Nancy's husband Clive...
PETER (V.O): When I left Govt, Barry organised a talk so that I might do indirect marketing...
Later, seeing DAVID and THOMAS chatting with ANDREW, Peter intervenes.
PETER: You know...I learn everything from Andrew!
DAVID & THOMAS: We learn from both of you!
Andrew and Peter look lost.
DAVID & THOMAS: We're still studying the LRC Report on the Law Relating to Copyright.
PETER (V.O): Andrew and I worked on it tirelessly from 1988-1994.
Later, we see ANDREA and RUBY shaking hands warmly with Peter. Then, when Peter sees a gentleman in wheelchair on a large screen, he chats with ANGUS.
PETER: Robin was lucky. He survived the 1972 landslide that wiped out his apartment...
ANGUS: My friend also escaped, as he had gone out to buy cigerettes.
Soon, SHIREEN and ANNIE approach Peter.
PETER (To Shireen): How's Alfred, your Dad?
SHIREEN: Err...he has just been hospitalized...
PETER: Oh dear, let me visit him tomorrow...
Act 3
INT. BEDROOM - 22:45
Peter inserts an AI drawing entitled: "The Ties That Bind..." to a draft in his laptop.
PETER (V.O): There is value in connection - I even learned some Jeet Kune Do from Lewis!
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): The ties that bind us in friendship is tougher than I imagine.
PETER (V.O) (Cont'd): True friends are never apart, might be in distance, but never in heart.