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Writer's picturePeter K F Cheung SBS

The Token Appreciation

  1. FADE IN

  2. Act 1

  3. INT. STUDY - 15:30

  4. PETER is responding to emails.

  5. PETER (V.O.): I get several emails from HKUST each day.

  6. Peter checks his phone calendar.

  7. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): The Appreciation Reception is at 5.00pm today. Another meeting at 9:30am tomorrow.

  8. Peter changes to a three-piece suit.

  9. PETER (V.O.): I won't bring my name cards. I know most of the staff and guests.

  10. Leaving.

  11. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): At my age, I've no expectations - just live my life the way it comes.

  12. Act 2


  14. Reception. STAFF#1 sticks a name tag onto Peter's jacket.

  15. PETER (V.O.): That's a helpful reminder to others as to who I'm.

  16. STAFF#2 greets Peter.

  17. STAFF#2: Hi Peter, there's an AI-HealthTech booth at the corner. You may wish to try it.

  18. Booth. Having chatted with a young ENTREPRENEUR, Peter sits before a computer screen.

  19. STAFF: The health report would include your facial skin age...

  20. PETER: Should I take off my face mask?

  21. STAFF: You don't have to take it off.

  22. We see on screen signals indicating that Peter's masked face is being studied, and Peter's facial skin age is "18.8".

  23. PETER: That can't be right. What's yours?

  24. STAFF: "23". Perhaps, the fabric of your face mask is soft.

  25. Taking off his face mask, Peter tries it again. We see on screen Peter's facial skin age is "28.9". Peter smiles.

  26. PETER (V.O.): I've swum non-stop for 45 minutes this morning. Can it make such a great difference?

  27. PETER: I love the result nonetheless! I'm going to recommend my lady colleagues to try it.

  28. Peter then chats with COLLEAGUES#1 & 2. They can't wait to try it. Peter then has eye contact with STAFF#3.

  29. STAFF#3: Hi Peter.

  30. PETER: You recognize me?

  31. As staff#3 looks at Peter's name tag again, Peter gets it.

  32. STAFF#3: I'm actually new here, having returned from France months ago.

  33. PETER: Your French must be very good. I once stayed in the University of Strasbourg...

  34. STAFF#3: Strasbourg (in French).

  35. PETER: I also visited the city of Amboise...

  36. STAFF#3: Amboise (in French).

  37. PETER: Oh, the "s" has to be pronounced?

  38. STAFF#3: Yes, because there's an "e" after "s".

  39. PETER: OMG! For decades, I've thought I could pronounce some French. It's only now that I know that I can't pronounce any French properly.

  40. Later, on stage, a young GROUP is performing acapella.


  42. INT. ASIA SOCIETY - NIGHT (2013)

  43. "World Intellectual Property Day" backdrop. On stage, Peter is singing and playing guitar to entertain GUESTS.


  45. Then, a young COUPLE is performing Latin dance.


  47. INT. DANCE HALL - NIGHT (2010)

  48. Peter and his WIFE are dancing cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba and jive.


  50. PETER (V.O.): Can I do it again?

  51. Act 3

  52. INT. STUDY - 20:00

  53. Peter sticks his name tag on a bag of popcorns.

  54. PETER (V.O.): The token appreciation aside, I've learned from others at the reception and they impact on me.

  55. Smiling.

  56. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Being reasonably healthy and having a young facial age, I can study French again, sing and play my songs again, and dance again.

  57. Thinking.

  58. PETER (V.O.) (Cont'd): Again is practice. Practice makes progress.

  59. THE END

  60. FADE OUT

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